“Still” and “Already” are words that describe our change. The word still tends to focus on what we HAVEN’T achieved, what we CAN’T do, and where we are NOT. For example, I’m still bingeing, I’m still not exercising daily, or I’m still too fat! Already is a word that acknowledges what we HAVE achieved, what we CAN do, and where we ARE! For example, already my binges are smaller than they were a month ago, already I’m walking to the shops of a weekend, or already I’ve stopped gaining weight.
This idea is very therapeutic for me, as I try to type with a recently separated shoulder (Google it, it’s very OUCHY!). Being a very independent person who is used to doing things myself, I could focus on the fact that I still can’t carry a glass of water, I still am in pain most of the day, and I still can’t go for a jog, let alone do mixed martial arts (the reason why I have broken my wing in the first place)! Or, I can choose to focus on the alreadys. Therapy is often my therapy, and after talking with a client the day following my injury, I decided to write an ALREADYS list for the week, here it is, so far:
Day 1 – Recognized I have hurt myself, accepted my coach’s offer to drive my car home, accepted some help from a girlfriend far to new to be looking after me!
Day 2 – Could sleep with the help of medication (Day 1 I couldn’t sleep with medication).
Day 3 – Can extend arm completely for a short period of time (with pain), can walk for 30 minutes (in a sling).
Day 4 – Can carry a cup of coffee (with support of a sling), can sleep well with the help of medication (previously could sleep but not well)
Day 5 – Have seen physio, identified need for MRI and X-Ray, can put arm around girlfriend (lying down on side)
Day 6 – Can go full day without sling (with pain), have MRI and X-Ray booked
Tomorrow I may even be able to lift a full glass of water 😉
So, like me, I really encourage you to focus on your alreadys…if you do manage to achieve this, rather than always playing catch up for inadequacies, you’ll be riding the wave of your alreadys into the sunny beach of your success…however you define it.
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