I’ve been on a mission to help you start 2023 off on the right foot with your mindset, eating, and physical activity!
In my first blog, I shared my biggest (personal and professional) revelation about overcoming self-sabotage and becoming everything you want to be (you can check it out here – it’s a goodie!).
And in my second blog, I shared a powerful ‘nutri-intuitive eating*’ tip from our wonderful dietitian Courtney Brooker, that can help you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer (you can check it out here, and it also includes a cool free download from our online program!).
So now I’m back to complete the trifecta by sharing a wonderful free workout from our amazing body positive exercise physiologist, Sarah Liz King!
Our very special online community, the Transformation Support Community, is changing!
We know that to get the best results, and the longest lasting transformations, you need a team of like-minded health professionals supporting you**.
And while we’ve always provided offerings for nutrition support and movement support as optional extras to our online program, we believe it is now time to make them a part of the program, which means the ‘TSC’, as we lovingly call it, is becoming a holistic mindset, eating, and movement transformation program in 2023!
We piloted our brand new model of interdisciplinary care with a Happy Healthy Holidays Mini-Series late last year. In the series, Sarah and I did a session on ‘Happy Healthy Holiday Movement’. I explained the importance of moving for your mind over the holidays, and Sarah shared her three favourite tips on happy healthy holiday movement. Here’s one of the tips that applies well at all times, and an accompanying free workout that can help you start your physical activity off on the right foot in 2023 ☺
‘Movement Snacks’ &
A sometimes-unintended flaw of the body positive approach to movement is that it can lack clear guidelines on what to do. For example, it may help you develop a healthier relationship with physical activity, but it hasn’t always been so helpful in answering the question, ‘what do I actually do?’ In the TSC, we are aiming to fill this gap by providing body positive movement support and guidance, where we combine balanced and joyful movement principles with a focus on building fitness, strength, and mobility!
We’re so excited about what we’re doing – and the results it’s getting – that we wanted to share a taste of the interdisciplinary, body positive, practical support that we’re offering our TSC members with you.
Body Positive Movement Tip: Try Movement Snacking
(from Sarah)
We all love a little snack (my friends lovingly call me the snack queen because I’ve always got yummy nibbles on road trips and beach days) and movement snacking is no different!
Movement snacking is the practise of moving and exercising in tiny doses throughout the day. The best part? No gym, no equipment, and no special clothes are required.
While longer exercise sessions are great they aren’t always possible, so movement snacking offers a way to get in quick bursts of activity throughout the day – perfect for the hectic holiday season. For example:
- Doing 10 push-ups against the kitchen counter while waiting for the kettle to boil
- Performing 20 calf raises while washing the dishes
- Staying in a wall sit position for the time it takes to brush your teeth
- Doing 10 squats between Netflix episodes (even better is turning Autoplay off and leaving your phone in the other room so you must walk to get it)
- Seeing how long you can balance on one leg while scrolling on your phone
Not all movement needs to be lengthy or vigorous to count! Plus, if you do a few movement snacks, it really adds up throughout the day.
FREE Follow Along Movement Snack!
While all of the above options are great – and I’d encourage you to try them – I’ve found with my clients that sometimes it’s best to just be guided through it. A follow along video can help to reduce ‘paralysis by analysis’ – you can just put it on and be guided through a safe, balanced, and (hopefully!) enjoyable session ☺
I recorded 3 x 10-minute ‘movement snacks’ for the Happy Healthy Holidays Series – mini-workouts for the members to follow along with in their own time! One is strength based, one is cardio based, and the other one aims to improve mobility and flexibility.
The members loved them so much that Glenn and I decided to share one with you. The mobility one was probably their favourite***, so we wanted it to be our gift to you to help you move more freely and easily in 2023. Simply find a comfortable space to exercise, press play, and you’re good to go! ☺ ☺ ☺
The interdisciplinary care in the Happy Healthy Holidays Series was so powerful! The members loved having multiple professionals in the same webinar (we loved it too!) – and really enjoyed the practical tips for their eating and physical activity (something we’ve never provided in the TSC before!).
In fact, we all loved it so much, that Courtney, our movement expert, body positive exercise physiologist Sarah Liz King, and I created a series to help you transform not only your mindset, but also your eating and physical activity!
The series is called Reach Your Goals & Become Who You Want To Be and it is available to access now in our game-changing Transformation Support Community.
And as a special offer to help you to join this series and start transforming with us, I’m offering all new members A 25% DISCOUNT AND A 7-DAY FREE TRIAL!
Be sure register now and allow Sarah, Courtney, Myself, and a supportive community of legends just like you to support you to reach your goals and become everything you want to be!
See Terms & Conditions
Yours in working together as a team to turn your New Year’s hopes, dreams, and intentions into reality,
Glenn (and Sarah!)
*This is a new term that I’m playing with – it’s about health-focused intuitive eating. While ‘normal’ intuitive eating does focus on healthy eating, this tends to come well after developing a healthy relationship with food (and sometimes – depending on the practitioner – not at all!). So nutri-intuitive eating places a higher focus on nutritious eating, without undermining the principles of intuitive eating (in the same way that yin-yoga focuses on the long stretches part of yoga, or hatha yoga emphasises the breathing and postures part). I’d love to hear your thoughts on this new term (just email them to me here!) ☺
**While we’ve always believed psychology to be the missing piece of the weight management puzzle, we’ve never believed it was the only piece!
***Closely followed by the strength one! ☺ ☺ ☺