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The quickest way to take a weight off your mind

By May 5, 2019Free Videos

People are always asking me the best way to become less consumed by thoughts about their weight.

Fortunately, there are a million things you can do!

Unfortunately, we often overlook the most important.

You can’t become less concerned about your weight and continue to weigh yourself regularly.  The very act of jumping on the scales reinforces their importance, pulling you back into a dieting mentality.

If you’re interested in becoming less preoccupied with your weight, shape, or size, check out this short video:

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I created this video for people just like you.
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If you’re still grappling with the pros and cons of letting go of the scales, you may want to watch the full episode ‘Taking the focus off the scales’ for more information.

Yours in freedom from the scales,


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