When weight loss ‘solutions’ are really part of the problem, it’s time for a radical solution – let go of ‘thinsanity’ and get ready to say goodbye to dieting forever!
We are becoming more and more obsessed with being thin … as we get fatter and fatter! The craziest part is that most weight loss ‘solutions’ are actually part of the problem.
Scientists have known this reality for decades, the entire diet industry is based on it, hell, even you know it, and yet you keep on falling for promises of fast, easy weight loss (and other fictional tales), putting yourself through rebranded versions of the exact same thing … and expecting different results. Einstein would have called this insanity … I call it
You need something different, and if you’re willing to take the red pill and escape the diet matrix*, there is a way out. New science is offering insights into a compassionate way to make peace with food, fall in love with physical movement, and learn to LOVE your body healthy (yes, it is possible).
If you ever feel like you’re wasting away your life fighting to lose the last five kilos, are thinking about trying another 12 week program**, or are waiting for the next big thing that will promise everything, but only serve to permanently reduce the weight of your bank balance, this book is for you. And if you’re ready to try something truly different, together we can finally get some different results.
*No it’s not a weight loss pill!
**I call these ‘lose-as-much-weight-as-you-can-and-put-it-all-back-on-with interest’ programs
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* Australian link provided. To purchase Thinsanity in your area, please go to your local Amazon/Audible website and search “Thinsanity”!