Towards the launch of our last tapping for weight program, I wrote to you about my journey from into the world of tapping.*
It started with reading the AMAZING results of Dr Peta Stapleton’s clinical trial on tapping for weight management, which showed:
- Desires for high calorie foods decreased – in fact, a year after the study, many participants had forgotten their problem foods.
- Power over food choices increased – people’s willpower improved (even though most of them didn’t continue tapping after the program).
- Emotional wellbeing improved – tapping significantly reduced depression, anxiety, and stress.
- Weight decreased – the rate of weight loss actually increased over time (unlike other approaches where weight regains after treatment).
- Dieting decreased – this is important as dieting mindset leads to eating disorders and rebound weight gain – participants gained all of the above benefits and became less “diety”.
These sounded like benefits my clients would love, and I’m glad I explored this innovative therapy so I could share it with so many clients. In fact, after years of learning, developing our online tapping program, and now being involved in research in tapping, I think it’s fair to say I am now a card carrying convert! I’ve always felt psychology is the missing piece of the weight management puzzle, and now, I see tapping as a “missing piece within the missing piece”.
And, at the launch of our new and improved tapping program, it seems that the world is catching on too. There is a buzz around tapping for weight management. From the Australian Psychological Society learning tapping from Peta (and asking me to host the session), from TV to radio to news to celebrity endorsements – everyone seems to be talking about tapping!
Here’s one example, an interview with Peta on Channel 7:
As Peta said at her recent keynote, we are at a tipping point for tapping. Tapping is making it into the mainstream and the thing I love most is that the buzz is not coming from mass marketing or the diet industry, it’s coming from the growing body of research showing tapping works!
I created this blog for people just like you.
If you found it valuable, please help me share it with them!
Check out more tapping in the media:
Media Interviews:
- Today Show Channel 9 segment (May 2017):
- Channel 9 News Segment (April 2017):
- Channel 7 News Segment (July 2016):
- Channel 7 News Segment (July 2015):
- Channel 9 News Segment (August 2015):
News Articles:
- Express May 2017:
- Gold Coast News, April 2017:
- Huffington Post November 2016:
Enjoy the videos and articles, hang tight, and I’ll be back in a few days to share some exciting NEW RESEARCH on tapping for weight management.
*If you don’t know anything about tapping, or how it can help with your weight management, watch my YouTube video on the topic!