In this live recorded webinar, our Founder Glenn Mackintosh, non-diet dietitian Courtney Brooker, and body positive exercise physiologist Sarah Liz King share their insights on how to transform your mindset, eating, and physical activity! They invite webinar attendees – including you – to reach their goals and become who they want to be in a 12-week webinar series in their game-changing online program, the Transformation Support Community.
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Webinar chat box transcript:
00:24:33 Archie: Cheers!
00:24:41 Courtney Brooker: Hey everyone!
00:24:56 Heather: Hi everyone. Sorry my desk top computer doesn’t have a camera
00:24:58 Joanna: Hello from Beirut!
00:25:04 Peta: HI there from Perth. Just home from work
00:25:06 Kate: Hello
00:25:13 Belinda: Hi from the Sunny Coast
00:25:16 Archie: Brisbane 🙂
00:25:20 Delphine: Hello from Bathurst, NSW
00:25:20 Gabrielle: In Sydney currently having a tea and gelato
00:25:24 Paula: Hello from Mornington peninsula
00:25:25 Lisa: Redlands
00:25:30 Lee: hi everyone!
00:25:31 Sarah: I’m from Hobart but in Melbourne for work tonight
00:25:53 Vesna: Hey from Denmark
00:26:15 Jo: Hi from UK
00:26:32 Dianne: dianne from Wallan near Melbourne
00:26:36 Kate: 👍
00:27:34 Archie: Reacted to “Hey from Denmark” with ❤️
00:27:36 Archie: Reacted to “Hi from UK” with ❤️
00:27:45 Archie: Reacted to “Hello from Beirut!” with ❤️
00:36:19 Courtney Brooker: Waste too much time on tiktok
00:36:20 Rebecca: Go to bed late which means not enough sleep
00:36:31 Sue: Eat too much!
00:36:32 Sarah Liz King: Right there with you Courts!
00:36:34 Kate: Staying up really late therefore preventing time in the morning to exercise before work
00:36:35 Peta: Still sneak snacks, lack of disapline
00:36:39 Archie: Promise yourself to take some time without alcohol, then your mates turn up with beers
00:37:04 Colleen: Weekend comes and I eat out, drink and stay up late.
00:37:16 Christie: I put my phone on charge in a different room and then I get an alert on my watch and get up and bring my phone back to bed
00:37:16 Paula: Just talk myself out it, procrastinating about moving eg walking
00:40:48 Archie: “Intentions into habits” – need this!
00:44:31 Joanna: absolutely!
00:44:31 Rebecca: yes
00:48:32 Weight Management Psychology: Glenn’s blog:
00:48:42 Alison: What categories? Me at work, me at home, me with friends, what else?
00:50:07 Christie: Is there a starting place for someone with burn out?
00:50:20 SUSAN: Hi Sue from England
00:50:33 Paula: Is it the series 30 January?
00:50:51 Weight Management Psychology: Hi Paula – yes, we’re starting the new series the week of 30 January 🙂
00:50:54 Courtney Brooker: That’s the one 🙂
00:51:41 Paula: Great thank already enrolled😃
00:53:12 Glenn Mackintosh: Thank you Courts – hahaha! 🙂 🙂 🙂
00:58:09 Rebecca: love the triangle – great image from a fellow APD
01:00:27 Glenn Mackintosh: We have trialled the meal builders in a series last year, and the members loved them!!
01:00:42 Paula: Does Courtney do 1 on 1 consultations?
01:01:04 Archie: Send link to join please
01:01:16 Weight Management Psychology: Here’s where you can sign up to the Transformation Support Community and be part of our upcoming ‘Reach Your Goals & Become Who You Want To Be’ series:
01:02:50 Glenn Mackintosh: Em, Can you please link to Courtney’s dietitian page also – guys, you can find out all you need to know, and book in with Courts from here 🙂
01:03:50 Weight Management Psychology: Here is the link to find out more about Courtney:
01:04:03 Anne: Yes all or nothing thinking
01:04:05 Courtney Brooker: If I dont stay at the gym for over an hour, its not worth it
01:04:07 Kate: I love to dance but currently can’t really make a whole song
01:04:12 Peta: over the years I think I’ve thought most of these
01:04:48 Christie: I’ve worked with EP’s and have always been told you have to find what you enjoy or it won’t last
01:05:04 Colleen: Hard to stay motivated if results don’t show
01:05:48 Glenn Mackintosh: 6 mins!!
01:06:52 Glenn Mackintosh: I do a little walk between ‘chunks’ of work!
01:07:56 Courtney Brooker: I love the term ‘movement snacking’!
01:13:01 Paula: So excited for the 12 week program now. Thank you Glenn, Courtney and Sarah.
01:13:45 Sarah Liz King: We love a good powerpoint
01:14:21 Weight Management Psychology: Here’s where you can sign up to the Transformation Support Community and be part of our upcoming ‘Reach Your Goals & Become Who You Want To Be’ series:
01:14:26 Kate: 😆
01:19:46 Weight Management Psychology: The TSC:
01:21:39 Courtney Brooker: The community is so beautiful! Such a wholesome place
01:21:47 Paula: Jumping the gun here at bit….what comes after the 12 weeks program…will there be any more programs after this?
01:23:55 Vesna: Have to go. Thanks 🙂
01:24:57 Weight Management Psychology: Here’s more about the 12-week series:
01:26:53 Delphine: are webinars usually scheduled same day/time each week?
01:33:35 Delphine: thank you!
01:33:44 Courtney Brooker: Thanks everyone!
01:33:51 Peta: Thanks Glenn, Courtney and Sarah.
01:34:00 Weight Management Psychology: If you have any followup questions, you can email me (Emma) at
01:34:07 Christie: thank you
01:34:10 Kate: 👋 thank you