Weight Management Psychology’s senior psychologist and dietitian, Shauna Spencer, presented to our Twelve Month Transformation* participants about combining the principles of intuitive eating and nutritious eating. Because this is so important for many of us, we wanted to share it publicly! In this illuminating 50-minute video, Shauna shares how intuitive eating works with nutritious eating, sharing some fascinating insights on how it fits with the five food groups, and answering common questions such as:
✔︎ Does intuitive eating mean I don’t have to think about nutrition anymore?
✔︎ Are there still foods I shouldn’t eat (and how to deal with ‘fun’ foods!).
✔︎ Does reading food labels fit with intuitive eating?
✔︎ Should I still portion out my meals? I’m scared if I eat without rules I will overdo it!
✔︎ Is meal planning consistent with intuitive eating?
Watch Video
If you benefitted from this session and feel like you need a helping hand to combine intuitive and nutritious eating in a way that is right for you, then please email us or call the clinic on (07) 3358 3312 to take Shauna up on her special offer of 3 x sessions for $99.00 each! These sessions are available to anyone living in Australia (and both private health insurance and Medicare rebates may apply!). As this session was initially shared with a smaller group, and Shauna’s availability is limited, this offer is limited to the first five people only, so be sure to get in soon!
*The Twelve Month Transformation has since become our new-and-improved program, the Transformation Support Community. The ‘TSC’, as we lovingly call it, still includes access to the entire Twelve Month Transformation program, and if you’d like to hear why we changed to the new approach, please watch this video!