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Live Your Purpose (Webinar with Glenn)

By January 31, 2025Free Videos

In this live recorded webinar, our founder Glenn Mackintosh:

  • Unpacks the surprising scientific evidence on living a meaningful life

  • Helps participants understand how to discover their unique purposes

  • Shares 3 practical hacks to live with more passion and joy

Glenn also invites participants to stop procrastinating and start living richer, fuller, more meaningful lives through a 12-week live webinar series he is delivering in his Transformation Support Community Online Program.

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Find out more about the Discover & Live Your Purpose Webinar Series

Find out more about the Transformation Support Community Online Program that contains this series and many others!



00:15:03 Sara Bird: Hi from Perth!
00:15:15 Jenny Tatchell: In Melb.
00:15:22 Noelene George: Hello from Bundaberg
00:15:33 Kerry Bee: Hi Kerry from Moore Park Beach
00:15:37 Melinda Love: Hi from Brisbane
00:15:41 Lauren Reilly: hello from regional Victoria 🙂
00:15:50 Janelle Smith: Hi Everyone from Coolangatta.
00:16:01 Linda Mitchell: Hi from Ipswich
00:16:03 Annie Zerbo: hi all from Adelaide
00:21:49 Weight Management Psychology: FREE Workbook Section:
00:21:54 Sara Bird: Thank you!
00:22:07 Lauren Reilly: thank you very much!
00:32:01 Annie Zerbo: 👍
00:34:14 Sara Bird: Love this. Makes sense!
00:35:06 Annie Zerbo: Love research!
00:38:13 Annie Zerbo: interesting…
00:41:41 Cara Williams: “Chasing someone else’s dream/life only leaves you running a race with no finish line… because the goal posts will always move”
So important to figure out what’s meaningful to you right!?
00:41:56 Noelene George: Yes
00:42:09 Noelene George: Reacted to “Chasing someone els… with “❤️”
00:42:21 Melinda Love: Reacted to ““Chasing someone els…” with ❤️
00:42:26 Cara Williams: Miss you already Emma!!!
00:42:59 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Miss you already Emm…” with ❤️
00:43:51 Noelene George: Interesting
00:44:59 Weight Management Psychology: FREE Workbook Section:
00:48:05 Noelene George: Interesting that money/wages doesn’t go hand in hand with purpose in life
00:48:42 Annie Zerbo: 93/140, 17/21, 27/49
00:49:17 Kylie Marsh: 88, 11, 30
00:49:35 Lauren Reilly: 103, 13, 34
00:49:46 Melinda Love: 82; 9; 27
00:50:42 Sara Bird: 101, 15, 30
00:52:04 Melinda Love: Score is reflective of how I feel, which is why I am doing this course.
00:52:45 Jenny Tatchell: Reacted to “88, 11, 30” with 👍
00:52:55 Jenny Tatchell: Replying to “88, 11, 30”
00:53:05 Annie Zerbo: Reacted to “Score is reflective …” with 🤗
00:53:50 Katrina Shanasy: 94, 10, 33
00:56:37 Sara Bird: My volunteer work gives me more purpose than my work.
00:58:13 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “My volunteer work gi…” with ❤️
00:58:41 Caroline Munchenberg: Reacted to “My volunteer work gi…” with ❤️
00:59:03 Noelene George: Reacted to Score is reflective … with “❤️”
00:59:14 Melinda Love: Reacted to “My volunteer work gi…” with ❤️
00:59:39 Caroline Munchenberg: Replying to “My volunteer work gi…”
So much great work would not happen if it wasn’t for volunteers – in particular by women in their middle years.
00:59:48 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “So much great work w…” with ❤️
00:59:49 Sara Bird: Reacted to “So much great work w…” with ❤️
01:00:05 Caroline Munchenberg: Replying to “My volunteer work gi…”
@Caroline Munchenberg the dollar value is huge
01:00:13 Sara Bird: Reacted to “@Caroline Munchenber…” with ❤️
01:00:32 Sara Bird: Replying to “My volunteer work gi…”
I can only imagine the dollar value!
01:01:46 Noelene George: I have tried to keep work fun, rather than a work place. We have music playing, do a little bit of stretching, telling dad jokes
We spend a long time at work,  as before work, doing it or the end of the day
01:02:00 Sara Bird: Reacted to “I have tried to keep…” with ❤️
01:02:03 Annie Zerbo: Started snorkelling with our daughter these holidays – LOVED it!!!
01:02:11 Sara Bird: Reacted to “Started snorkelling …” with ❤️
01:02:38 Caroline Munchenberg: Replying to “My volunteer work gi…”
I think we can discover meaning and purpose when we go through a hard time or struggle and that motivates us to maybe volunteer or study or train for a new career.
01:02:42 Sara Bird: Expanded consciousness!
01:04:43 Sara Bird: Reacted to “I think we can disco…” with ❤️
01:05:51 Weight Management Psychology: Discover & Live Your Purpose series:
01:06:26 Cara Williams: 👀
01:06:31 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “👀” with 😂
01:08:15 Annie Zerbo: sounds awesome!!
01:12:16 Cara Williams: Thank you so much Glenn & the whole team for this series, it’s going to be such a game changer for so many of us!
01:12:17 Weight Management Psychology: Discover & Live Your Purpose series:
01:12:24 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Thank you so much Gl…” with ❤️
01:12:28 Annie Zerbo: Reacted to “Thank you so much Gl…” with 👍
01:13:53 Melinda Love: Thank you for developing this course and guiding us through it.  Looking forward to the positive changes that it brings to my life. Love your positivity and enthusiasm Glenn.
01:14:23 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Thank you for develo…” with ❤️
01:14:27 Annie Zerbo: Reacted to “Thank you for develo…” with ❤️
01:14:58 Weight Management Psychology: Nelson is sooo amazing!
01:15:05 Annie Zerbo: Reacted to “Nelson is sooo amazi…” with 👍
01:15:10 Marita Smith: Reacted to “Thank you for develo…” with ❤️
01:16:12 Weight Management Psychology: Transformation Support Community:
01:18:16 Weight Management Psychology: Everyone loves the audio programs!
01:20:51 Annie Zerbo: Thanks Glenn!
01:21:22 Weight Management Psychology: Discover & Live Your Purpose series:
01:22:55 Melinda Love: thanks Glenn. 😄
01:23:20 Noelene George: Thank you very much for your webinar
01:23:30 Jenny Tatchell: Thanks for the intro .I wont join as I have too much on my plate, right now.
01:23:54 Kerry Bee: Thank you very much Glenn that was great 👍
01:24:06 charan Mano: Instead of month if you can put a standard one of payment it will be helpful
01:25:26 Sara Bird: Thank you!
01:25:32 Kylie Marsh: Thank you