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The Deeper Work: Knowing Yourself (Webinar with Emma Furner)

By May 17, 2024Free Videos

In this live recorded webinar, our founder Glenn Mackintosh hosts psychologist, psychotherapist, and trauma-sensitive yoga teacher, Emma Furner, as she explains the scientific benefits of knowing yourself, shares her insights into the specific ways our bodies offer guidance and healing support, and helps participants to reconnect with themselves and their bodies through a simple activity!

Glenn also invites participants to experience the benefits of doing the deeper work in their health, life, and relationships in a 12-week webinar series Emma is delivering in his life-changing online program, the Transformation Support Community.


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The Deeper Work: Knowing Yourself Series

The Transformation Support Community Online Program


00:19:35 Heidi Barteld: Happy Friday eve!
00:20:05 Jenny Shelton: Hi everyone
00:20:20 Lauren Hubbard: Sorry, just washed my hair and in pj’s . no camera tonight!!
00:20:22 Janelle Smith: Hi all
00:20:24 Lauren Hubbard: 🙂
00:21:02 Adele MacDonald: Hi everyone
00:21:11 Marianne Berry: Good evening everyone
00:21:12 Liz Barrow: Hi peeps. 😊
00:22:09 Angela Pankhurst: Hi everyone so glad to be here
00:22:40 Marie Fogarty: @Heidi Barteld love your doggo xo
00:22:50 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “@Heidi Barteld love …” with ❤️
00:23:46 Heidi Barteld: Replying to “@Heidi Barteld love …”
Lol they want to watch too
00:31:45 Glenn Mackintosh: Lunch chats in the office with Emma are rarely superficial – haha (but we love it!).
00:31:56 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Lunch chats in the o…” with ❤️
00:32:06 Heidi Barteld: Reacted to “Lunch chats in the o…” with 😂
00:33:20 Glenn Mackintosh: And guys – please feel free to chat in the chat box – I think the interaction will help all of us 🙂
00:33:33 Lauren Hubbard: Thanks Glenn, will do
00:33:41 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Thanks Glenn, will d…” with ❤️
00:33:53 Glenn Mackintosh: I am a psychologist, and a son.
00:33:54 Melinda Thomas: Reacted to “And guys – please fe…” with 👍
00:34:15 Weight Management Psychology: I am the Sparrow 🙂
00:34:20 christine Green: I like the idea that we are a constellation not a lone star
00:34:23 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I am the Sparrow :)” with 😂
00:34:30 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I like the idea that…” with ❤️
00:34:38 Heidi Barteld: Live in Mackay so I can sit comfortably in a singlet at this time of the year lol
00:34:48 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Live in Mackay so I …” with 😂
00:38:59 Glenn Mackintosh: Does anyone else know anything like that about themselves? I am an introvert (which surprises people), and a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP – although not extremely). (This is self-knowledge)
00:39:22 Annie Dawson: yep introvert here too
00:39:28 christine Green: I tested INTP 25 yrs ago
00:39:35 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “yep introvert here t…” with ❤️
00:39:39 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I tested INTP 25 yrs…” with ❤️
00:39:57 Heidi Barteld: Yep introvert here
00:40:03 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Yep introvert here” with ❤️
00:40:27 Lauren Hubbard: Extrovert, ENFJ-T
00:40:33 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Extrovert, ENFJ-T” with ❤️
00:41:19 Glenn Mackintosh: Guys, which of these benefits most interests you / do you think you would you most benefit from? 🙂
00:41:38 Lauren Hubbard: relationships and wellbeing
00:41:41 christine Green: interpersonal communication
00:41:45 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “relationships and we…” with ❤️
00:41:48 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “interpersonal commun…” with ❤️
00:41:50 Lauren Hubbard: highly value connection in my life
00:41:58 Melinda Thomas: emotional intelligence
00:42:03 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “emotional intelligen…” with ❤️
00:42:07 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “highly value connect…” with ❤️
00:42:53 Angela Pankhurst: living authentically
00:43:00 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “living authentically” with ❤️
00:43:51 Glenn Mackintosh: These results are fascinating!
00:44:07 Lauren Hubbard: instantly makes me doubt myself haha
00:44:19 christine Green: Reacted to “These results are fa…” with 😂
00:44:34 Weight Management Psychology: Same Lauren! haha
00:45:04 christine Green: Replying to “These results are fa…”
sounds like a research project!
00:45:22 Lauren Hubbard: definitely do this!
00:45:42 Angela Pankhurst: oh yes i can identify with that
00:45:48 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “oh yes i can identif…” with ❤️
00:45:51 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “instantly makes me d…”
Toootaallly right! Francis Bacon said:  ‘If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.’ Please forgive inherent sexism in the quote, but I do love it, and think it fits here 🙂
00:45:54 Melinda Thomas: me too
00:45:59 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Same Lauren! haha” with 😂
00:46:05 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “sounds like a resear…” with 😂
00:46:18 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “These results are fa…”
Haha – oh my!!
00:46:25 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “definitely do this!” with ❤️
00:46:28 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “oh yes i can identif…” with ❤️
00:46:33 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “me too” with ❤️
00:46:33 Bernadette Curnoe: Would be interesting to know how the study determines how people weren’t self-aware??
00:47:14 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Would be interesting…”
I agree Bernadette – I know Emma has the studies, but I’m not sure how they actually measured it!
00:48:26 Glenn Mackintosh: Comparison to others – especially in today’s society, can be a harmful way of gaining self-knowledge.
00:48:49 Lauren Hubbard: Yes, it’s so damaging. here to learn ways to counteract it.
00:48:55 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Yes, it’s so damagin…” with ❤️
00:49:03 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Yes, it’s so damagin…” with ❤️
00:49:11 Lauren Hubbard: feels like swimming upstream
00:50:53 Glenn Mackintosh: It takes work, Lauren, but it can be so worth it. The feedback Emma is talking about now can be a starting step, and I think the material to come can help 🙂
00:51:00 christine Green: Emma has helped me immeasurably in Therapy
00:51:07 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Emma has helped me i…” with ❤️
00:51:13 Lauren Hubbard: she seems great.
00:51:19 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “she seems great.” with ❤️
00:51:20 christine Green: Reacted to “she seems great.” with 👍
00:51:32 Angela Pankhurst: Replying to “Emma has helped me i…”
me too. its been hard work for the last 2 years but so worth it
00:51:43 christine Green: So amazing. words are not enough
00:51:52 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “So amazing. words ar…” with ❤️
00:51:58 christine Green: Reacted to “me too. its been har…” with ❤️
00:52:43 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “she seems great.”
She really is wonderful. Her clients love her, we love her, and the upcoming series she is doing in our Transformation Support Community is the first webinar series done by one of our clinic’s internal experts 🙂
00:52:56 christine Green: That is so  counterintuitive! That introspection is not self awareness
00:53:00 Weight Management Psychology: I find that soooo fascinating!!
00:53:13 Melinda Thomas: Reacted to “I find that soooo fa…” with ❤️
00:53:28 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “So amazing. words ar…” with ❤️
00:53:33 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “That is so  counteri…” with ❤️
00:53:47 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “I find that soooo fa…”
I know, right!
00:54:26 christine Green: Replying to “I find that soooo fa…”
Mind blown
00:54:36 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Mind blown” with ❤️
00:55:02 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “me too. its been har…” with ❤️
00:55:52 Melinda Thomas: This stuff is amazing!
00:56:01 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “This stuff is amazin…” with ❤️
00:58:25 Adele MacDonald: Schools are so ridiculous
00:59:24 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “This stuff is amazin…”
It really is, isn’t it? Us psychologists in the clinic are amazed (and sometimes – slightly embarrassedly –  think ‘we should know this’ haha!). I have learned so much just working with Emma to put the upcoming webinar series together, and creating the (125 page!) workbook that goes with it. Fascinating stuff!
00:59:38 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Schools are so ridic…” with 😂
01:00:00 Melinda Thomas: Reacted to “It really is, isn’t …” with ❤️
01:02:30 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Schools are so ridic…”
It is a bit crazy isn’t it. If I couldn’t go to the loo between every client, I think we’d all be in trouble haha! Partly based on Emma’s work and values – but also our other psychologists, we try to structure our days so the clinicians’ schedules work in with their appetites, favoured times for moving their bodies, energy levels, and of course, need to go to the loo! 🙂
01:03:28 Melinda Thomas: I’ve just started reading this book
01:03:35 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I’ve just started re…” with ❤️
01:04:05 Adele MacDonald: Replying to “I’ve just started re…”
I missed the title, what was it again?
01:04:17 Glenn Mackintosh: Right now, which of these most resonates with you?
01:04:20 Melinda Thomas: Replying to “I’ve just started re…”
The body keeps score
01:04:25 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I missed the title, …” with ❤️
01:04:27 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “The body keeps score” with ❤️
01:04:50 Weight Management Psychology: Automatic responses (but also all of them!)
01:04:53 Glenn Mackintosh: For me, it’s truth and intuitive guidance!
01:04:57 christine Green: Intuitive guidance
01:05:00 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “For me, it’s truth a…” with ❤️
01:05:12 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Intuitive guidance”
01:05:19 christine Green: Reacted to “Twinnssiiiesss!!” with 😂
01:05:51 Melinda Thomas: Yes, 8 & 9
01:06:06 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Yes, 8 & 9” with ❤️
01:06:07 Adele MacDonald: Reacted to “The body keeps score” with ❤️
01:06:15 christine Green: Replying to “Intuitive guidance”
I think my body lets me know when I am safe, when I listen 🙂
01:06:21 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I think my body lets…” with ❤️
01:06:30 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Intuitive guidance”
I bet it does 🙂
01:07:04 Glenn Mackintosh: And which of these would you like to learn more about / cultivate / work on?
01:07:07 Angela Pankhurst: emotions for me
01:07:50 Glenn Mackintosh: For me, it’s emotions and somatic memories (as well as gateway to experience!)
01:07:54 christine Green: Gateway to experience, particularly the feeling of joy in my body
01:07:58 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “emotions for me” with ❤️
01:08:15 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “emotions for me”
Same here Angela! Twinning again 🙂
01:08:25 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Gateway to experienc…” with ❤️
01:08:28 Fiona Hayes: emotions……
01:08:29 Angela Pankhurst: Replying to “emotions for me”
01:08:41 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “emotions……” with ❤️
01:08:57 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “👍” with ❤️
01:10:19 Lauren Hubbard: truth and intuitive guidance
01:10:24 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “truth and intuitive …” with ❤️
01:10:42 Weight Management Psychology: Unfortunately my face also says my emotions 🙂
01:10:51 Annie Dawson: Reacted to “Unfortunately my fac…” with 😂
01:11:02 Glenn Mackintosh: So true – sometimes you can’t hide it! And ‘not hiding it’ can sometimes allow care and support in 🙂
01:11:07 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Unfortunately my fac…” with 😂
01:11:28 christine Green: Reacted to “Unfortunately my fac…” with 😂
01:11:33 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Unfortunately my fac…”
HAHAHA yours totally does Em HAHAHA!
01:11:33 Angela Pankhurst: Replying to “So true – sometimes …”
and makes me feel even more vulnerable
01:11:46 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “and makes me feel ev…” with ❤️
01:12:17 Annie Dawson: Replying to “Unfortunately my fac…”
01:12:23 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “😂” with 😂
01:12:34 Annie Dawson: Replying to “Unfortunately my fac…”
Me too
01:12:40 Lauren Hubbard: what if our innate wisdom isn’t so wise?
01:12:46 Lauren Hubbard: how would we know?
01:13:03 Glenn Mackintosh: A LOT of wisdom!
01:13:26 Lauren Hubbard: Reacted to “A LOT of wisdom!” with ❤️
01:17:08 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “how would we know?”
This may not be one we can absolutely unpack tonight, but we can misinterpret our bodies signals / wisdom. For example, we may feel as though something is ‘not right’ for us, where it may be that it raises feelings / anxiety, and the judgement of it as ‘not right for me’ is serving as a defence mechanism to ‘protect’ us from the feelings / anxiety.
01:18:04 Fiona Hayes: Reacted to “This may not be on…” with 👍
01:18:41 Lauren Hubbard: Reacted to “This may not be one …” with 👍
01:18:52 Melinda Thomas: Reacted to “This may not be one …” with 👍
01:19:35 Lauren Hubbard: yep, didn’t expect to fully unpack much in a chat box. know it needs long term psych work & education
01:24:55 Angela Pankhurst: That exercise felt very hypnotic as well
01:25:00 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “how would we know?”
Today is a good overview / first step, but as you’re probably figuring, there are many more details / further steps to come, and this is what we’ll cover in the series (details to come!) 🙂
01:25:04 Weight Management Psychology: The Deeper Work: Knowing Yourself series with Emma Furner:
01:26:33 Weight Management Psychology: This link is for further information about the series with Emma, and the details on signing up!
01:26:43 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “yep, didn’t expect t…” with ❤️
01:26:46 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “That exercise felt v…” with ❤️
01:27:10 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “That exercise felt v…”
It was relaxing wasn’t it – I notice my breathing is easier after!
01:27:27 Angela Pankhurst: Replying to “That exercise felt v…”
01:27:37 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “The Deeper Work: Kno…” with ❤️
01:27:41 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “This link is for fur…” with ❤️
01:27:47 Lauren Hubbard: Reacted to “The Deeper Work: Kno…” with 👍
01:27:47 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “❤️” with ❤️
01:29:49 Glenn Mackintosh: Guys keen to hear which of these sessions most resonate with you / you would be most interested in working through / benefitting from at the moment 🙂
01:30:08 Lauren Hubbard: Does the program replace personal therapy for a time, or does it work along side?
01:30:22 Weight Management Psychology: I love the thought of being able to measure how connected with the body I am in Week 2…
01:30:38 Lauren Hubbard: wondering if doing both is “too much” as need to make changes gradually you know
01:31:20 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Does the program rep…”
This program can be done independently of therapy, or as an adjunct to it! But if you are seeing a therapist, I wouldn’t stop seeing them (it will probably help the therapy become more effective!)
01:31:22 Melinda Thomas: Session 4 and 7
01:31:32 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “I love the thought o…” with ❤️
01:31:38 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “wondering if doing b…” with ❤️
01:31:40 christine Green: 9 and 10
01:32:26 Lauren Hubbard: Replying to “Does the program rep…”
Thanks, just about to start seeing one next week for life long food & body issues
01:32:50 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “wondering if doing b…”
Lauren a lot of this work is building the ‘core abilities’ or ‘building blocks’ of being able to do successful ‘deeper work’ therapy. So this would potentially be a great starting point 🙂
01:33:02 Lauren Hubbard: Replying to “wondering if doing b…”
Thank you.
01:33:05 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Lauren a lot of this…” with ❤️
01:33:30 Lauren Hubbard: Reacted to “Lauren a lot of this…” with ❤️
01:33:52 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “wondering if doing b…”
These are some of the base skills / abilities / knowledge that Emma has as a requirement for ‘going there’ with the deeper work in one on one therapy 🙂
01:34:03 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Session 4 and 7” with ❤️
01:34:07 Lauren Hubbard: Replying to “wondering if doing b…”
yeah makes sense.
01:34:08 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “9 and 10” with ❤️
01:34:31 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Thanks, just about t…” with ❤️
01:36:35 Angela Pankhurst: Will the weekly webinar for this series still be on a Wednesday night? i.e. Wednesday 29th? or does it start Monday 27th?
01:37:03 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Will the weekly webi…” with ❤️
01:37:52 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Will the weekly webi…”
The program starts officially on the 27th, but the webinars are still Wednesdays (so the first one is the 29th!)
01:38:10 Angela Pankhurst: Replying to “Will the weekly webi…”
Thanks for clarifying that
01:38:15 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “Thanks for clarifyin…” with ❤️
01:38:50 Naomi Doessel: Replying to “Will the weekly webi…”
 When are they availa…
01:39:49 Weight Management Psychology: Replying to “Will the weekly webi…”
The recordings are uploaded to the TSC platform a few hours after the live webinar on a Wednesday evening 🙂
01:39:53 Glenn Mackintosh: Replying to “Will the weekly webi…”
@Naomi Doessel we upload them the night of the webinar – so typically within 2-3 hours! Having them up and ready for the members is really important, so we make sure they are up quickly! 🙂
01:40:04 Glenn Mackintosh: Reacted to “The recordings are u…” with ❤️
01:40:15 Naomi Doessel: Reacted to @Naomi Doessel we up… with “👍”
01:40:29 Weight Management Psychology: Here is the link again if you want more information about the upcoming series with Emma on “The Deeper Work”:
01:40:36 Glenn Mackintosh: 100%
01:42:00 Angela Pankhurst: Thanks for tonight Glenn. Its been really informative. Best wishes to Emma
01:44:20 Weight Management Psychology: This is the main page that talks about our program, the Transformation Support Community (it also has details on The Deeper Work series too):
01:53:17 Melinda Thomas: Thanks for tonight. Really looking forward to the sessions
01:53:21 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Thanks for tonight. …” with ❤️
01:53:32 Lauren Hubbard: Thank you.
01:53:37 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “Thank you.” with ❤️
01:54:14 Fiona Hayes: thanks Glenn and Emma
01:54:21 Weight Management Psychology: Reacted to “thanks Glenn and Emm…” with ❤️