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Why You Do the Things You Do (Habits Webinar from Our Online Program)

By August 9, 2024August 27th, 2024Free Videos

The foundational webinar from the Creating Healthy Habits Webinar Series in our Transformation Support Community Online Program, shared with you for FREE!

In this webinar, habits researcher, dietitian, and our resident habits guru, Dr. Gina Cleo takes live participants through the first webinar of the Creating Healthy Habits Webinar Series, sharing her insights on:

  • The factors that subconsciously influence our behavior
  • Why we may intend to do something, but end up doing something completely different (it has to do with the fact that we have ‘two brains’!)
  • Why willpower can’t be depended on (and what to do instead!)
  • Figuring out if you have a ‘tight’ or a ‘loose’ habits mindset
  • How to focus on changing three key habits (and measure the changes!)


To access all of Gina’s habits series, including:






Download accompanying workbook section



00:16:13 KB: Hi Legends!
00:16:17 K: Gday early bird!! 🤣🤣
00:16:21 CC: HI everyone 👍❤️
00:16:34 Dr. Gina Cleo: LOL Kaz
00:16:38 JG: Hi Everyone
00:16:39 N: hi all
00:16:42 J: Hi Glenn, Gina, and all TSCers
00:16:53 S: Hi all
00:17:14 CC: Hi everyone
00:17:19 SL: Hi Everyone
00:17:24 S: Hi everyone
00:17:39 A-M: Hello everyone. Welcome Gina ☺️
00:17:48 TL: Hey everyone 🙂 Welcome Gina
00:17:51 S: Good evening everyone 🙂
00:18:00 BM: HI TSC fam!
00:18:04 D: Hello Glenn and everyone. Welcome to Gina as well
00:18:41 EH: hi Everyone, Hi Gina welcome !!
00:18:56 Ke.: made it!
00:19:10 D: Great tshirt Glenn
00:19:41 KB: She may be on time too…
00:19:53 BM (she/her): lol K
00:20:30 WW: Hi Gina – excited for this series
00:21:24 Weight Management Psychology: Accountability Buddies:
00:22:28 Weight Management Psychology: About Dr. Gina Cleo:
00:22:40 S: Thanks Gina and Glenn, I’m so excited for this series!
00:23:03 Weight Management Psychology: Creating Healthy Habits (Free Webinar with Dr. Gina Cleo):
00:23:26 Je: me too
00:25:58 Glenn Mackintosh: Hello everyone! (I thought I’d say this, as I normally say hello by name at the start, but I know we have a JAM PACKED session, so I wanted to make sure we got as much out of it as we possibly can! 🙂 🙂 🙂
00:26:35 Je: ☺️
00:28:25 J: Sounds like such an interesting series!
00:28:48 Glenn Mackintosh: Macy is a ledge!
00:28:49 S: Hah how cute!
00:28:54 Glenn Mackintosh: MOFO – yessss! HAHAHAA
00:36:46 Glenn Mackintosh: Mr Nik, can you please link the Emotional Eating & Psychological Wellbeing Series for our peeps? Thank you 🙂
00:40:33 D: Why does the self control muscle not get stronger?
00:42:44 SO: 35000 decisions! WOW!
00:43:36 SA: How many of the 35000 are conscious decisions?
00:43:49 D: Thanks
00:44:09 SA: awesome thank you
00:46:51 Glenn Mackintosh: This is SUCH an interesting study!!!
00:47:01 T: Wow!
00:47:31 MS: so interesting
00:47:40 T: Very
00:47:59 K: Wow!!! This is fascinating!!
00:48:00 KM.: agreed
00:48:04 A H: Light bulb moment!
00:48:05 SO: Time to change careers!
00:48:28 WW: Explains alot!
00:48:38 MS: yes it is
00:48:43 MG: MIND BLOWN
00:49:01 JG: Another one of those light bulb moments for me!
00:49:19 T: Makes so much sense! explains my day today
00:49:28 Je: a couple of minimalists (Matt Davello, Gabe Bult on Youtube) wear same type clothes everyday, eat same thing so they reduce their decision making
00:50:01 D: That’s interesting Jen, makes sense
00:51:15 WW: Is this like decision fatigue or is it different in the context of this topic?
00:52:21 SO: Its like, “Whats for dinner mum?”…, do i have to make another decision?
00:52:56 J: Decision fatigue was the first thing that came to my mind, but yeah, after work today I was “starving”.
00:52:58 KM.: SO, that’s the worst!! every night I have this
00:54:58 Glenn Mackintosh: So Gina, would you recommend that our members potentially consider these actions for some of the habits they may want to create in this series?
00:55:02 CP: As a shift worker getting regular sleep patten going is VERY difficult…I average between 5 and 6 hours
00:56:32 Glenn Mackintosh: Nik, can you please link the Relaxation & Affirmation Audio Program? Guys, these are included in your TSC membership, and designed to help you relax and / or get a good night’s sleep (as well as giving you affirmations that help with emotional eating and mindset!) 🙂
00:59:18 AH: 👍🏻
00:59:29 J: 🤙
00:59:31 Weight Management Psychology: Relaxation & Affirmation Audio Program:
01:01:10 Glenn Mackintosh: Here’s the quiz guys:
01:01:29 K: tight
01:01:35 T: tight
01:03:45 Glenn Mackintosh: Understanding my ‘tightness’ and the importance of balance has already helped me ‘loosen up’ (I took the quiz maybe 3-4 weeks ago!) 🙂
01:04:18 LN: I scored moderately tight but relate more to the moderately loose side. What’s the deal there?? 🙂
01:05:09 Weight Management Psychology: Emotional Eating & Psychological Wellbeing Webinars:
01:05:23 N: I did the quiz the other day 63/100 moderately tight. I need a bit more spontanaeity in my life!
01:06:05 KM.: 77/100 moderately tight
01:06:49 T: 64 for me- I am suck a rule follower and get frustrated with those who don’t
01:07:06 N: oooo il give that a go
01:07:14 S: 54/100 moderately loose. I was surprised at my result. Thought I would be tighter.
01:07:36 D: 40/100 for me & love the variety each day just like you said – no 2 days the same
01:07:42 T: Btw- my name T – I so need to stop multi tasking
01:07:44 K: 73 moderately tight… expected this but funny enough I really hate routine…
01:07:47 WW: I got 80 tight but I don’t agree.
01:08:16 K: Yup spot on!!
01:08:23 Ja: 61 – Moderately Loose woo :D. I see I am impatient lol.
01:09:28 TK: do habits have to be related?
01:12:39 Dr. Gina Cleo: Hi Tamara, no your habits don’t have to be related – you’re welcome to pick anything
01:13:39 Ja: Can you please pop the link to the workbook
01:14:20 Weight Management Psychology: Psychological Profile Progress Tracker:
01:15:24 SO: Id love to see this summary shared on our FB support page
01:15:39 SO: not the homework part
01:16:00 WW: thanks Gina and Glenn this was really informative!
01:16:12 Dr. Gina Cleo:
01:16:21 Ja: Ahah I found the link to the workbook
01:16:28 Weight Management Psychology: Facebook Group:
01:17:02 BM (she/her): 👍
01:17:12 SO: You will put Glenn to shame if you start on time
01:17:16 KM.: loved this. so happy I made it live
01:17:21 J: Thanks Gina! This has been such a great first session!
01:17:23 T: thanks so much Gina.
01:17:23 S: Thank you GMACK and Gina 🙂
01:17:23 CP: Thanks Gina. What an awesome 1st session.
01:17:25 A: 😆
01:17:30 S: thank you
01:17:31 A: thanks Gina
01:17:33 AH: Thanks!
01:17:34 BM: So psyched to do this work!
01:17:35 Z: Thank you.
01:17:36 JW: Thanks!
01:17:36 A-M: Thanks Glenn, Gina and all
01:17:37 CC: Thanks Gina!!
01:17:41 T: Thanks Glenn for bringing this to us