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Unleash your willpower!

By October 27, 2019Free Videos

Do you have good intentions, but have trouble following through?

Maybe you wish you had more willpower?

Willpower is related to a part of your mind called the “reflective system”, the system that logically weighs up the options and chooses the best one for us.  I think of it like the “Dr Spock” in our mind – when we use it, our decisions are more rational.

When clients tell me they want more willpower, rather than doing anything to strengthen it, I find it more useful to reduce things that weaken it.  Things like drinking alcohol, poor sleep, and high stress.  While we often overlook these things, managing them creates the right conditions for your willpower to FLOURISH.

I see it like setting your inner Spock free.  Here’s a short video about it:

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To learn more about boosting your willpower (your inner “Spock”) and reducing impulsivity (your inner “Homer”) see the full episode ‘I Know What I Want To Do, But I Can’t Do It!’.

Yours in unleashing your willpower,


*From Star Trek

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