I think it’s important we health professionals are real with you.
And that you are real with yourself too!
We both know physical activity is good for you.
But we also know, for a variety of reasons, that many people don’t love physical activity – and some people downright hate it! While I spend a lot of time helping people develop a positive relationship with physical activity, for some people it’s just never going to be something they look forward to.
So what I want to say is:
If you can’t seem to enjoy exercise, that’s okay!
This short video can help you make peace with your reality and possibly begin valuing movement in a different way.
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I created this video for people just like you.
If you found it valuable, please help me share it with them!
To learn more about overcoming this common barrier, and other exercise blocks, you can see the full video ‘The Million Reasons you Shouldn’t Exercise (and how to do it anyway!)’.
Yours in doing things in a way that is right for you,